Chesterfield Child Support Attorneys
Working with Parents to Provide for Their Children
For most divorcing couples, providing financially for their children is a priority. At The Roberts Law Firm, P.C., we work with clients to navigate the Missouri child support system. It is our goal to always keep the best interests of our clients and their children in mind.
To meet with a Chesterfield child support attorney at our office, call us at (636) 590-4864 or contact us online.
How Child Support Is Determined in Missouri
The starting point for determining child support is Missouri Supreme Court Rule 88.01.
The courts consider many factors when determining child support in Missouri, including the following found at 452.340 Revised Statutes of Missouri:
- Monthly gross income of each parent
- Child-rearing costs
- Health insurance costs
- Which parent has overnight visitation or custody
- Imputing income (a parent’s earning capacity if he or she is unemployed)
Supreme Court Rule 88.01 sets out the procedure for calculating child support. There is a rebuttable presumption that the amount of child support is the appropriate level of support. This presumption may be rebutted by evidence concerning need, income, and other relevant evidence.
Determining child support can become complicated, especially when one parent is not working. At The Roberts Law Firm, P.C., we frequently consult the services of employment or vocational experts in determining how much a spouse could or should earn, what jobs are available, and what salary range is available. This also comes into play in spousal maintenance issues.
We also handle child support modifications and enforcements.
Revised Child Support Guidelines
Effective January 1, 2009, there will be four major changes to the Missouri child support guidelines:
- In the income share model, the amount of combined monthly income will be raised from $20,000 to $30,000.
- The basic child support obligation amounts will change based on data gathered by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.
- The visitation credit limitations will change.
- The maximum visitation credit will be capped at 34%.
Find out more about the 2009 Missouri revised child support guidelines; contact our Chesterfield child support attorneys today.
Our attorneys are committed to helping parents throughout the process of determining child support. We share the goal of seeking child support that will be sufficient for the child and appropriate for the parents.
To meet with a divorce lawyer at our firm, please call us at (636) 590-4864, or contact us online.